Bag on the Beach!

Hello! I should be sleeping right now, or being productive elsewhere by revising for my mock exam tomorrow, or the essay I have due in 5 days. Instead, I thought I would update you all (not many) on my Saturday night that has just passed. I went to an event called 'Bag on the Beach', and it was basically this lovely movie night, featuring marshmallows, a fire, and a trampoline - all experienced whilst on the beach and facing the sea (not that you can see it in the darkness haha). So my night started with my boyfriend: we went to Spoons for some cheap-ass dinner and a few drinks, then headed on a lovely walk to the beach!
When we got there we saw this:

A screen that was playing short movies. It was blowing in the wind
which was actually quite cool. Haha, get it? Wind? Cool?

Such fun. It was lit up pretty too.

A lovely fire sanctuary that was going out at the time I took this photo. It was
cosy to sit by, all snuggled up on a blanket. Plus, free marshmallows!

Although we had to rush to catch the train (that we ended up missing anyway), it was a lovely night. I've only been to the beach a few times in my life, and this is the first time I have been to the beach in the dark. It was incredibly relaxing, so I think I'll be having a few more late night trips to the beach in the near-distant future.

Bye for now,

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